Hiring: new research fellowship position is available at Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department Of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" on steep slope device. Apply today, due date: 2nd of June 2024!
AttoSwitch has received funding from the European Commmission (EC) under Grant Agreement N°101135571.
News & Events
Hiring, join today!
2024-05-27 12:05
2024-05-27 12:05
Attoswitch.eu //www.attoswitch.eu/favicon.png
Hiring: new research fellowship position is available at Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department Of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" on steep slope device. Apply today, due date: 2nd of June 2024!
Attoswitch project will participate at Workshop in Aachen February 17th-18th, 2025! Come and join!
Attoswitch.eu //www.attoswitch.eu/favicon.png
IEDM 2024 San Francisco 7-11 December 2024
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Seminar at the National University of Singapore (NUS) about Steep-slope and Dirac-source FETs
Attoswitch.eu //www.attoswitch.eu/favicon.png